Tim Smith

I am addicted to New Experiences! I'm addicted to the rush I get from experiencing new places, cultures, people, ways of thinking, ways of seeing, ways of being. When this stuff gets in my veins and hits my brain it stimulates another set of things that I'm equally addicted to and think about all of the time: designing new ways to integrate, express and create with, memory, impressions, travel and experiences.

Luckily these are mostly positive addictions: but that's just dumb luck. I'll do almost anything to get my fix! Here are some of the things I've done so far to pursue my addictions.

Travel and Photography: 41 countries (5 continents) and 150 major cities. Right now - I’m moving around in the U.S. after 5 years in Asia. Next trip: artist villages Mexico!

Interests: Blending visual arts, photography, and information technologies to create personal and shared installation art. Cognition-neuroscience-psychology, experiential-self-directed learning, travel-culture-history, photography, journaling, software

Education: I’m addicted to learning new things! For most of my life I've been taking classes, working in educational institutions, collecting partial degrees and supporting education in general (mine and others!). My actual degree is B.S. in Psychology. I have studied and/or worked in neuroscience, cognition, memory, computer science, software development, psycholinguistics, history, language acquisition, marketing, lay counseling, public speaking, philosophy, theology, outreach, business management, exercise physiology, French, Spanish, Chinese, history and culture of India, Russia, world history.

Work: I have held a freakishly large number of jobs: from sailing to outreach to psychology and cognitive neuroscience research. Right now I am working on projects in installation art, journaling (autobiographical capture), memory formation, knowledge-engineering and enriched learning, supporting experiential learning in enriched learning environments and cross-cultural engagement, travel and living abroad. Over the years I've worked at sailing passenger-cargo vessel ships, watering flower farms, marketing, running university laboratories, grants and research projects in psychology, brain imaging, virtual reality, eye tracking and learning. I've worked in, managed or started businesses supporting psychology research, neuroscience, cognition of learning, memory, human-attention, knowledge-engineering, home improvement, contact management, marketing .... you get the idea - I work like someone who is addicted to new experience.

Future: I want to spend time in at least 50 countries, and I want to find new ways to support and promote self-directed learning, journaling, mental health, capturing and creating from life experience. I want to design spaces and experiences that allow people to live, work and play creatively in the interplay between complexity and simplicity (Small-Infinities: The Simple Way Of Complexity)